Connect 1:27

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What is Connect 1:27?

Connect 1:27 is a ministry that focuses on preventing kids from entering foster care, identifying and training families for placement of foster kids, and partnering with families that are receiving kids for foster care to support and care for them.
“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
-James 1:27


80% of foster placements happen because of neglect rather than abuse. Neglect often occurs when a caregiver is unable to adequately provide for the child rather than lacking a heart for the child. Through an agency called Promise868 we are able to need very tangible and specific needs. We need a large crowd of people meeting small, specific needs when they can and as they feel led. If only a few are meeting needs, it’s a heavy load; if it’s a large crowd, it’s a manageable load!


There’s no way around it; Statesboro needs more foster families willing to receive children into their homes. Most kids that wind up in the foster system wind up being sent to other counties, which makes reunification almost impossible. We strategically partner with Families4Families, a Christian foster care organization, that walks alongside church families to care for foster children in a way that is covered with support, community, and resources.


Those who are receiving kids into their home for foster placements need our support. We can partner with them in specific ways to make a big difference! Don’t underestimate this. We need groups of people to surround each family that is receiving foster placements to aid with meals, laundry, lawn care, and/or an endless list of needs that supports a family in the midst of raising foster children.

Become a part of Connect 1:27

The goal for Connect 1:27 is that the entire church gets to be a part in some way. More Foster Families are always needed, but even if that isn't your calling, you can still play a part! Whether that is meeting the needs of someone to prevent their child or family member from going into foster care, or supporting the families in our church who currently have foster kids in their homes.

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