Connection Students

What's God telling you? Share it here.   |   We’d love to pray for you! Let us know how.

Connection Students is our middle and high school ministry. We live in times where students are pulled in so many different directions and many times none of those directions include Jesus. Too often we see students graduate High School, many of which grew up in the Church, and never continue in their faith because they didn’t have a solid foundation. Our goal at Connection Students is to help them truly own their faith, to take it into their own hands, and know how to live for Jesus each and every day.

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Rally Night

Rally Nights at CS Live occurs the first Sunday night of every month (with a few exceptions such as holidays or special events). This will be a time to hang out with friends, worship together, and hear a message that is all about Jesus. Rally Nights will be exciting and fun, but it will also be a perfect time for students to grow in community and their relationship with Jesus.

5:30-7:00 PM (First Sunday of the Month)

Small Groups

For the rest of the month, we have Small Groups at CS Live. You’ll get the opportunity to dive deeper in Scripture, talk about how to own your faith, and pray with your peers. We believe this is where real life change happens, so you don’t want to miss out on these nights!

Sundays // 5:30-7:00 PM

Meet the Leaders

Will Tucker

Student Director

Email Will

Sara Cammack

Student Intern

Email Sara

Upcoming Events

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