Church Planting

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What do you mean when you say Church Planting?

When Jesus gave the Great Commission, the book of Acts reveals that what the Disciples understood as completing that command was to plant churches. The Bible teaches that we also should take the gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the Earth. Today when we hear that, we often think: short trips to see a different country. "Mission Trips" are great and serve a purpose, but at Connection, when we think about taking the Gospel where it isn't, we think about Church Planting. So whether that is taking the gospel into our local communities or sending missionaries throughout the world, we understand the message of Jesus is for anyone and everyone.

The Connection Network

The Connection Network is our family of autonomous churches partnering together to plant 50 churches by 2050. The network exists to train leaders to plant, grow, & multiply gospel-centered churches. We do this through a process we call our church planting residency. This is where we bring in a potential church planter, train and develop them as a leader, teach them everything we know about planting a church, and send them out with funding and a church planting team to help them launch the new church plant. For more information please visit the website.

How do we care for people locally?

There are times when people within our church deal with difficult circumstances and need our help. Our Connect Groups offer people an environment to learn, grow, and care for each other. So, when people come across tough situations, it’s their Connect Group that rallies together to help. If you’re not currently connected in a Connect Group and want to be, please follow this link to learn more or sign up.

What about those outside of the Church?

Every member of the body of Christ has a role to play, and we believe we are better together. There are great organizations and ministries that serve people in incredible ways in our communities and each year we partner with these agencies financially so they can continue reaching and serving more people. We don't believe we have to do it all at Connection, and when we see organizations meeting real needs in our communities, we want to come alongside and support them in their efforts. Each year we also send mission teams to various places like Honduras, the Dominican Republic, and more. These trips take place various times throughout the year and last anywhere from 7 to 10 days. We also partner with ministries like Cafe 1040 to connect people who feel called to become full-time missionaries abroad.

Interested in going on a trip?

This year we will be taking several trips. To find out about all the available trips and to sign up, please visit our sign up page HERE.

Upcoming Fundraising Opportunities

Turkey November 2024

November 23, 2024 to November 30, 2024
This November we will be spending a week in Turkey! While there, we will experience a country rich in Christian history and ripe with Gospel opportunity. The trip will focus on sharing the good news of Christ with Muslim locals, as well as strengthening and encouraging new followers of Jesus living out their faith in a context where Christianity is frowned upon.
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